Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Guy Guy!

It's not what you think! Well, kinda'! This is a first in hopefully what will become a series of "strange-but-true" tales from my days at the video store. Over the 18 years of my employment in video retail, I have met a lot of wonderful people, strange people, and downright bizarre people. You be the judge about this poor fellow. One day while behind the counter at the store, a man approached inquiring about a movie called "Guy-Guy". Did we have it? Was it available on VHS and where would it be on the floor. My co-workers and I looked at each other and no one spoke at first. I then tried typing the title in the computer data-base, thinking it would register with one of our "male adult" titles. No match! So I began to question the customer. "Is this an adult title? Do you know who stars in the film?" The man looked embarrassed. "Adult film?" .. he asked! "No, it's a musical with that french actor Louis Jordan!" Well, then it immediately clicked in my head. "Gigi!, the musical Gigi, is that what you want?" .. I inquired. "Yes, is that how it's pronouced? Gigi?" the man responded. Well, there you have it! I guess the subtle differences between the English and French languages can be difficult at times.

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