Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Trivial Pursuits

During the last few years that our store was open, we instituted a weekly trivia question that was much loved by our clientele. The store manager, Mark had found a small dry erase board lying around unused and so he came up with the idea of posting a weekly movie related trivia question. If the customers correctly guessed the answer to the question, they received a free rental coupon. It was a challenge each week to think of something obscure, yet film related to keep the minds of our customers working to win the coveted prize. Well, as always something as fun as our weekly trivia question brought out the worst in a few of our more jaded customers. It soon was obvious that certain customers would answer the question correctly receive their free rental, and then send their wife or kids in another day with the same answer. We tried keeping a list of the customers who answered each week, but they were determined to rip-us-off and found a way to do so. In the end we had to stop the weekly trivia question which was disappointing to many, but I must admit it was funny to see how innocent the weekly perpetrators acted when told their free ride was over. One of my favorite questions we had along the way was ....Name the World War II Purple Heart winner who also won a Peabody award for directing ABC News programs and then went on to be nominated for an Academy Award as an actor and also star in a successful TV series? (If you know the answer feel free to place it in the comment file on this page. I'll post the correct answer some time next week. And no, you do not get a free rental!)

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