Friday, June 02, 2006

Adult Tail!

Being a suburban video store one might think there would be a limit to what we could carry in the form of adult movies. Well, actually we had a pretty impressive selection of what one customer once referred to as, "cinema-erotique!" Male titles, bondage, amateur, soft x, you name your fetish and we had it! That is so I thought! One bright sunny morning (the usual time of day for porn customers to make their pilgrimage to our store) a nice Italian man in a wheelchair rented a few adult titles on VHS. As he began to leave I went ahead to open the door for him. As he rolled through I said my goodbyes, only to be asked a question from the departing man in the chair. "Younga Man!" he asked in a thick Italian accent! "Do you got any of the video anda' animal!" I was stunned! I think I knew what he was asking, but I played dumb and said.."Excuse me?" "Do you got any of da' video anda' animal? I know it's illegal, but do you got ..You know, where the girls hava' sex wit' da chickens and da' goat?"... He inquired. I was speechless. After a few awkward minutes I said a simple no and went back into the store. Needless to say it was the last time I held the door for him.


Dave Perillo said...

Oh, yeah. He got me one day too. He said "You got da film wit da horse? Ya know a girl & an a horse?". This happened right when i was holding the door for him.

Anonymous said...

I used to work at Videoscope in Mountain View, CA. We were the one store in the area that also rented porno titles. WE used to have a curtain around the section, until the guys started cutting the naughty parts off the women on the boxes. Today there's no curtain, and the section is readily visible from the cash register. :)

Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!